Do This, And Most Customers Will Buy Your Product

Binay Srivastava
5 min readApr 21, 2023


Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Do This, And Most Customers Will Buy Your Product

And bring you, additional customers.

In other words, how do you convince a customer that your product is the best buy?

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How to convince customers that your product is the best to buy?

Have you ever wondered why you go online and buy things you don’t necessarily need?

The secret behind this magnetic pull is the creation of a magnetic story around the product to sell it to you.

To succeed in this material world and rank as top sales persons, you must learn the art of sales.

The most important learning is how to get more customers. A good product is not enough to sell more.

Just like in a physical store, you need a salesperson to attract customers. Since you cannot have physical stores everywhere, you must have to have alternative means to attract customers to your sales point or in simple words, your online store. Here are some guidelines to get customers to buy your product or service online.

1. Focus on product benefits, not features

Customers buy a product because it brings them some benefit. Merely informing about the features of the product does not oblige the customer to buy the product.

Customer doesn’t mind paying more if the product seems to satisfy their emotional needs instead of what their brain is telling them to buy. They rarely buy what the company thinks they are selling.

Instead of saying the pen has a felt tip, say it has a better grip. It highlights the benefits to the customer and convinces customers to buy it.

2. Tell them as much as you can

How would you feel if you suddenly had to pay extra for an evening dress you bought online? Don’t keep the customer in the dark. They need to get all the information to convince customers to buy from you. You can do this by letting them know:

Terms and Conditions — Tell customers about the terms and conditions that apply when they make a purchase or use your service. Make them simple and in plain language. Divide it into different parts to make it customer friendly. Privacy Policy — A privacy policy is essential because in today’s digital age, customers protect their private information. A properly defined privacy policy will make your customers trust your company and can also increase sales!

Delivery Policy — Make your delivery policy clear and detailed with no hidden costs. Please clarify if international shipping is also available. Also, reward customers with free shipping when they buy over a certain amount. FAQs — Most customers ask for FAQs because they don’t want to call for service. FAQs make life easier for you and your customer.

3. Take advantage of the “limited time offer”

How many times have you bought something just because you didn’t want to miss out on a trendy item? Research has shown that fear of missing out on a limited-time offer is the main reason for buying, especially impulse buying. Depending on the nature of your product or service, you can successfully create a limited-time offer scenario to convince a customer to buy. Simply put, tell your customer what they will miss out on if they don’t buy now. Emphasize product “trends” more than just features. The limited-time offer technique works well for product groups such as clothing, and accessories, and services such as events and webinars. Use social media to create fear of losing out on your product.

4. Avoid technical words and jargon

Your product doesn’t have to sound clever to impress your audience. Eliminate the use of technical words. Instead, highlight your benefits in the plain language of your target audience. Read product reviews. Customers almost never use jargon when they talk or write about your products.

5. Emphasize the USP

Your product’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the feature that sets you apart from your competitors. Focus on the feature of your product that differentiates it from your competitors. Emphasize a feature that benefits the customer. You get customers to buy your product when you offer a feature that makes their life easier. A USP can be any aspect of your product: how it’s made, ingredients, durability, affordability, etc. Never list generic features like “high quality” or “lasts a long time” as your USP.

6. Focus on your target audience

Instead of focusing on the entire population, narrow your target market to a specific niche. This helps you focus on the audience you want to sell your product to and those who are most likely to buy your product. For example, if you make handmade products, focus on who will make the most of the products instead of everyone. Therefore, you can also find the target group that is most suitable for your product line.

7. Give your customers 2 or 3 options (but not too many)

You can convince customers to buy your products by giving them some options. This can be related to prices or multiple products. Here is an example:

A customer looking for an online store can choose the option that suits their business needs. This helps because every customer is unique and has different needs. But at the same time, be careful not to overwhelm the customer with options. Don’t pressure customers into any choice. Let them compare your product with other comparable products. This is how you send a signal to your potential customer that their opinion matters.

8. Recommendations

Nothing is more persuasive to a customer than reviews. In fact, studies show that having reviews can increase a website’s sales by up to 270%. So, make sure you collect reviews from your customers and build customer trust. In addition to reviews, you can also collect customer feedback. This way you can understand what pain points your product solved for the customer and use that information to convert future customers.

9. Create content around your product

Convincing customers to buy your products online is a whole different game, especially in this information age. People want to get things for free or near-free in exchange for a promise to deliver in the near future. If you can obtain the need for content from your target audience and engage them, they can easily get them to buy from you and do it.

10. Brand building

Building a brand is a time taking process. It could also be an expensive affair. But branding has a greater recall and therefore more people tend to buy from a familiar, friendlier, and popular name.

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Binay Srivastava

I am Binay, writer, author, and editor. I am an electrical engineering graduate.,, and many newspapers have published my articles.