My Only Secret to Maximizing Focus and Making Money From That…You too Can

Binay Srivastava
3 min readOct 13, 2022


Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash

Hi there,

You and I know how important money in our life.

Without, it, you just cannot live.

And to make good use of money, a good mind is important.

That means a mind with focus.

If you can focus your mind on your objective, you can earn a lot of


Here, you will learn how to focus your mind to make money.

Just focus on this page for 5 minutes

One of the most common problems we’re facing nowadays is staying

focused on what’s important to us.

And no wonder why it’s so hard…

Social media platforms are fighting for your attention…

News websites are fighting for your attention…

Businesses are fighting for your attention with ads…

The emails you receive are fighting for your attention…

In other words, EVERYONE is fighting for your attention!

Not to mention the responsibilities and the huge list of tasks that you have to deal with every day.

Those are some of the reasons why we’re getting distracted and losing our focus.

And that’s why many people believe that focus nowadays is the most valuable, but also the HARDEST skill you can develop.

Because if you know how to get focused and, more importantly, maintain that focus, you’re going to:

Have a more balanced life,

Have more free time, and

Finish things in time.

But, the bigger question we have now and need to answer is HOW can you get and stay focused in the attention-hungry time of the digital age?

Well, there are multiple methods to do that.

But, after trying many of those methods, I came to a conclusion.

And that conclusion was that the BEST way to focus and stay focused is to use a meticulously designed planner.

Because when you plan your tomorrow, you set your mind for the next day and what you need to focus on.

By doing that with the active help of this plannerm you’ll be less likely to get distracted from unimportant things because you’re not going to wander with your mind like before..

So, by planning your tomorrow, you’re going to get rid of 80% of the distractions you’re dealing with every day.

Distractions like non-essential tasks and responsibilities.

The other 20% is your phone and the notifications you’re always receiving.

To get rid of the 20% of distractions, just put your phone on mute and put it away from you while you’re working.

That way, you’ll not be able to check your phone all the time so easily.

It works for me; it’s going to work for you.

So, the next time or whenever you want to get rid of distractions and stay focused, use this planner.

That’s one of the BEST methods I’ve tried for maximizing my focus.

And if you want to get your hands on the SAME exact planner that I’m using to plan my day and week and whole future…

Head Over to

to Get the Planner.

Description Where I Have Given Link To Get The Planner

It’s going to help you focus your mind on the job, help you earn money and make life happy..

Your friend,




Binay Srivastava

I am Binay, writer, author, and editor. I am an electrical engineering graduate.,, and many newspapers have published my articles.